![Logo Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung](ZGAXTMAGNISG.IMAGE_6.jpeg) ![Logo Rio+20](MYRYLITHFXIY.IMAGE_7.jpeg) |
![](http://plataforma-montanhas.rio20.net/files/2012/06/2010ABRILITEREI6-008-300x225.jpg) ITEREI MOUNTAINS MONTANAS MONTANHAs FLORA Exibition " Iterei Mountains Point of View" & " Do Micro ao Macro" .VISIT: http://issuu.com/iterei/docs/itereiwedexibition
FES Side Events & Activities at Rio+20
The Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES) organizes several events aimed at promoting a democratic implementation of the idea of Sustainability based on solidarity and social equity.
FES Activities at the People’s Summit
Venue: Milton Santos Tent, Aterro do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro
FES Official side events
Venue: RioCentro Convention Center, Rio de Janeiro
FES Sustainability Blog
During the UN Conference on Sustainable Development and the parallel People’s Summit, we will be blogging live at the newly launched FES Sustainability Blog. We will present you impressions, information and important news around Rio+20. Visit our blog and take a stand – we welcome your interest!
PDF-Publication |
No Future Without Justice
Report of the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives
The Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives brought together 18 civil society activists and scholars from different disciplines from around the globe. Its members jointly drew lessons from the current crises, looked beyond conventional development concepts and goals, questioned the models and measures of development and social progress, and presented alternatives.
FES International Policy Analysis, June 2012
The full report is available here. |
PDF-Publication |
Really the Future We Want?
Civil Society Voices on Rio+20
N. Netzer, C. Detsch, A. Gross, H. Maihack, P. Oesterdieckhoff and S. Wetzig (Eds.)
The involvement of civil society actors in the Rio process is extremely important. Against this backdrop, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung hosted five regional preparatory conferences in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East / North Africa to formulate regional positions on the key topics of Rio+20. The conferences included participants from non-governmental organizations, trade unions, progressive parties, and regional organizations from 47 countries. This paper summarizes their recommendations and demands for the upcoming conference.
FES Perspective, June 2012 |
PDF-Publication |
«Pessimism of intellect» or «optimism of will»?
Sustainable development and the role of the state
Brendan Vickers
Achieving sustainable development requires a fundamental transformation of existing power relations – economic, environmental and social – both within and between countries. The state, not the market that is narrowly profit-driven, should play the lead role in promoting sustainable development. This requires considerable investment in the state’s capacities to formulate, coordinate, implement and oversee policies and to interact strategically with business, civil society and other stakeholders.
FES Perspective, June 2012 |
![PDF-Vorschau](XEOZLPREQFLB.IMAGE_2.gif) |
Further Publications in Spanish and Portuguese
JOSUÉ MADEIROS, FES Brazil Análises e propostas, April 2012
Crise ambiental e a Rio+20 na visão da sociedade e do governo brasileiro
FIDEL PEREZ Y REGINA KFURI, FES Ecuador Policy Paper, April 2012
Los gobiernos sudamericanos rumbo a la Conferencia Río+20
Los movimientos sociales en América del Sur rumbo a la Conferencia Río+20