Montanhas Iterei Serra do MAr S. Paulo America do SUL Climate change is one of the main problems affecting progress towards development in developing countries. It represents a major challenge for Andean countries like Peru, where livelihoods of the rural population are depending on natural resources. These are already affected by multiple stresses and the situation is now further aggravated by the additional pressure resulting from a changing climate.In order to come up with a meaningful contribution to this challenge, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) – through its Global Programme Climate Change (GPCC) – is involved in the design and implementation of innovative projects. The Adaptation to Climate Change Programme (PACC Peru), a bilateral cooperation developed by the Ministry for the Environment (MINAM) and lead by HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, is one of these. It aims to support adaptation practices in rural areas, generate advocacy and develop capacities of stakeholders that are actively involved in adaptation to climate change.
During COP20 in Lima in December 2014, the publication ‘Yachaykusun’ capturing life stories and successful and innovative adaptation responses applied today by highland rural populations facing the consequences of climate change was shared with a broad audience. The book provides evidences that such measures are in the position to strengthen public policies and at the same time enrich global debate about responses to the challenges of climate change.
Mountain Forum Global NodeConsorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregión AndinaAv. La Molina 1895. La Molina. Lima, PeruTel. (51-1) 618-9400 | E-mail:
—– Original Message —–From: MF ModeratorTo: mf-globalSent: Sunday, July 12, 2015 11:29 AM
Subject: [mf-global] Yachaykusun:
Montanhas Iterei America do Sul Brasil Serra do Mar