


REDD+: The Rights of Indigenous People| Lea Correa Pinto

Iterei Mountains Biota! SAVE

Dear colleagues,


The Indian Law Resource Center has just completed a new working paper: International Law Principles for REDD+: The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Legal Obligations of REDD+ Actors. These REDD+ Principles lay out the human rights obligations of States and international agencies implementing REDD+ initiatives, including multilateral development banks and UN agencies. The document also describes the rights of indigenous peoples engaged in or impacted by REDD+, and implementing measures necessary to ensure that indigenous peoples’ rights and livelihoods are protected. I think it will be a useful reference for people working on REDD+, but also those working on human rights, indigenous peoples, and development policy more generally.


The REDD+ Principles working paper is offered as a starting point for further discussion and elaboration. We look forward to any comments, suggestions, or alternative drafts you might have. Please direct feedback to dcoffice@indianlaw.org or submit comments on-line at www.indianlaw.org/climate.

The REDD+ Principles will be available in Spanish and Portuguese in the coming month.

Lorena Vaca
Program Assistant
Indian Law Resource Center
601 E Street SE
Washington, D.C. 20003
Tel: 202-547-2800 x 101
Fax: 202-547-2803

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